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Your opinion matters! If you like the show, please review us on the Hollywood Fringe website.

Reviewers have some wonderful things to say about us:

"She Kills Monsters is a wonderfully amusing comedy with many hilarious fight sequences and a surprisingly emotional core that is delivered with depth, humor, and grace..." - Edward Hong, reviewer from The Nerds of Color


"The acting was hilarious and everyone had great chemistry and comedic timing. I highly recommend seeing this show!" - Bob Guck (It's Personal: Los Angeles)

"We just loved the story of She Kills Monsters, and the message it sends on female empowerment and the positive aspects of role playing games." - Daniel Faigin, reviewer from Observations Along the Road  

"They had fun and so did I!" - David McElwee (Son of a Bitch)

"The cast shows talent and utter dedication to the material. The swordplay and stage combat help flesh out the story-within-a-story. The ending had me choked up." - Michael Gordan Shapiro (The Bully Problem

"Full of action and humor and HEART!"- Alberto Veloso, comic book writer


"One of Qui Nguyen’s more emotionally resonant pieces, brought to life with energy and verve by a cast that was having so much fun it couldn’t help but be infectious." - Billy Ray Brewton (Rory & the Devil)

“The women of this company constitute one of the strongest female ensembles I've seen at Fringe.” - Jim Blanchette, (Transference)

"Great cast that love playing with each other. You don’t even have to understand D&D to get the jokes! Fight choreography!!!! Steeeeeve!" - Rasika Mathur 

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